Semana Setenta y Nueve (Behold the Sandwich.......)(Longview, TX)


Alright, alright, I'm going to be straight up with ya'll this week........ This sandwich (attached at the bottom) was probably one of the highlights of my week. But don't be decieved! This was not just a sandwich. It was in fact the famous Cadillac Clucker from Stanley's BBQ in Tyler Texas (one of the top five BBQ pits in the world.....), and it was truly divine....... let me say that again...... divine. 

But no, for the most part it was a pretty normal week. I got my new companion, Elder Gibbs, on Tuesday and we've been pounding the pavement hard all week. Recently our teaching pool has gotten so large that we had to do a lot of sifting for the elect, which means dropping people and getting dropped. We had one of my favorite progressing investigators named Juan drop us this week, along with a few others, so that was sad, but in good news we had a couple other investigators come to church, so that was good. Missionary work is always full of ups and down. The important thing to keep in mind is the knowledge that the Lord will eventually end up on top, regardless, so all we've got to do is use our agency to choose to stay obedient and faithful to him at all times. If we can do that, then we can know of assurity that it'll work out in the end.

We spoke in church again Sunday, and that actually went quite well. We usually speak about every month here in our little back woods branch. But I think that about wraps it up. I really like my new companion, Elder Gibbs. He's from Centerville, Utah, works hard, and speaks great spanish. We're going to see us sum muracles this July! Yee-haw!

(sorry I'll repent this next week and take more pictures....) 

Elder Clark Fox
(La Iglesia De Jesucristo De Los Santos De Los Últimos Días)
(Saddle Brook - Taylor  1400 H G Mosley #2206  Longview, TX) 

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Semana Noventa y Seis (Bienvenidos a Dallas!)(Dallas, TX)

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